
Traumatic Brain Injury is a silent epidemic with over 50 million cases annually around the world. WetWare incorporates new medical technologies into existing personal protective equipment to significantly improve patient outcomes. Our patented technology is tailored to the needs of each end-user, laying the foundation for Traumatic Brain Injury treatment.


Defense Applications

An innovative solution to a significant problem, the IRONCROWN System is robust enough for military deployment and tailored to the needs of the battlefield. Once a force capable of causing TBI is detected, our helmet-based medical device formulates and initiates a treatment in milliseconds. The therapeutic regiment lasts for about one minute and can be retrofit into any helmet.


Civilian Applications

Adapting our cutting-edge technology to suit the needs of the civilian market yielded the NPD System. Following FDA approval, the device will be made available to the consumer market. The NPD system is compatible with any helmet providing added protection for the wearer. Through strategic partnerships with helmet manufacturers, WetWare BioSystems makes brain-saving therapies available for all.